/Thoughts on Search Advertising
Using Google AdWords to run your online advertising campaign appears to be easy enough. Just create your account, set your budget, create your ads, select keywords that match your ads to potential customers – and off you go. The advantages are many, not the least of which are the ability to target your ads to very specific locations and customer interests, the flexibility Google AdWords allows to change, pause or end the campaign, and very little risk – you only pay when someone clicks on your ad and is directed to your business.
However, while the tools are very user friendly, it’s easy to go off track without a good campaign strategy. If this is your first time running an online ad campaign, you may run into several common problems. For example, you may not be targeting your audience effectively, which will result in failure to generate revenue. You may not be targeting a wide enough audience through a limited marketing strategy, thus missing out on important customer segments. You may not be using appropriate metrics to measure success, resulting in suboptimal use of the marketing budget.
Engaging a professional marketing services company, such as Color & Code, will help to avoid these problems and create an effective advertising campaign within a limited timeframe or budget. Since online marketing combines creative and technical aspects, we are well positioned to design a one-of-a-kind campaign from a “colorful” perspective while addressing technical and strategic issues. We’ll start by getting to know your business and help you clarify your marketing objectives. Then we’ll plan a detailed advertising campaign to address your specific needs, whether it’s branding, identifying sales prospects or actually generating sales. We can help you make your campaign as relevant to your target audience as you need by using keywords. We’ll also determine your success metrics in advance, ensuring the real-time ability to track whether the campaign is meeting its objectives (using Google analytic tools) and adjust your strategy as necessary. By partnering with our customers at every point in the campaign, we are able to offer highly customized solutions to meet your unique needs and objectives.
Get started by giving us a call us today at (707) 932-5570 and be sure to ask about our AdWords vouchers!
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