/What is a Bleed, and Does it Hurt?
I laughed out loud when I read that heading in the article I’m about to share with you, and you will too after you know what a “bleed” is in the context of the printing industry.
As a business owner working on a print project, terms like “bleed,” “safe zone,” and “trim area,” sound a bit foreign. Reading the following article will help explain some of the industry jargon so that you can communicate more effectively with your creative team and commercial printer. The article was written by a printing company and provides a nice illustration, and a light writing style which we can always appreciate.
The author mentions that it’s important not to overlook these concepts when working with a designer on a print project, and we agree. It could make your final product look unprofessional and cost you lots of money in printing the lot over again (which, unless you have a great relationship with your printer who takes pity on your soul, will probably be about what you paid for the initial run – also a good reason to get a “proof” which is another topic for another day).
So, read on and educate yourselves, then demand this level of attention to detail from anyone you work with!
“Cut Area, Bleeds, and Safe Zone Demystified” from Heritage Printing and Quick Copy, Inc.
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