Ever needed to generate HTML color codes for web design? The HTML color wizard below will generate HEX color codes — the kind of color code used in web design — and is a great tool to help you pick out cohesive color combinations for your blog or website, especially when choosing colors for your […]
With so much time spent engaging electronically, people are becoming increasingly visual—but far less attentive. As a small business owner, this must influence the way you communicate with your customers. Your message is no longer enough; it needs to be delivered in a dazzling and delightful manner. That’s where professional graphic design can help. The […]
Color theory includes elements of art, science, and psychology. In this post, we will whittle it all down to a few points that will be relevant to your new brand or re-branding efforts for your business, but the underlying theme is that color creates meaning, and it should be used with purpose and intention. Selecting […]